
Saturday, June 19, 2004

Top Baby Names for 2003. "BabyCenter compiled its annual baby names list from more than 300,000 members who had babies in 2003, the largest private list available. The BabyCenter list is unique because names with the same pronunciation but different spellings are combined to give a more accurate view of name popularity."

[posted by S. Y. Affolee on 9:02 AM | link]

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

The Ten Worst Naming Blunders for a Company or Product. "Contrary to conventional wisdom, the most popular ways of selecting a company name or a product brand are the worst approaches, and they often spell disaster. You want to coin the most motivating, memorable moniker possible that nobody can copy or imitate, a name that will gain you a loyal customer base and may even provide you with a new and independent source of income. In other words, avoid the wildly popular routes for selecting a commercial identifier."

[posted by S. Y. Affolee on 9:32 AM | link]

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Amusing places close to you. (via BoingBoing) From Amusing UK Place Names, find strange place names by entering a British postal code.

[posted by S. Y. Affolee on 8:03 PM | link]

Friday, June 04, 2004

Four for Friday. In one of Mikal's weekly memes over at his blog Belicove.com, he asks some questions regarding name giving and name changing.

[posted by S. Y. Affolee on 3:40 PM | link]





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