
Thursday, December 16, 2004

Just Call Me...Uhh..Well...Hm. (via Dustbury) A blogger muses about why some people disapprove of women not changing their names to their husbands' names as well as the problem of last names for people in a same-sex marriage. I think people can take whatever name they wish. If other people disapprove, well, they don't want to admit that they've been brainwashed by society into thinking that only a certain thing is right.

[posted by S. Y. Affolee on 7:10 PM | link]

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Your Santa's Helper Name. "So, just before the Stork delivers us, all of Santa's little helpers - like the elves, pixies, goblins and fairies - gather round and select a name for us and that's the name Santa remembers." Just another silly name generator for amusement.

How popular are you (and your friends)? Oh no, this is not about popularity. This is just an easy way to find out how frequently your name was used during the twentieth century. You can see the output as a nice bar graph.

[posted by S. Y. Affolee on 8:42 AM | link]

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

What's in a name. "Why is it when people (and not just celebrities) are fortunate enough to have the opportunity to give a name to another human being, they picks something awful, stupid or hideous?"

[posted by S. Y. Affolee on 11:56 AM | link]





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